introducing the new Mr. & Mrs.!

mmmm...yummy cake!
"Big Brother" Ryan with his sign!
I've been having mixed feelings lately. I can't wait for her to get here but I also feel like we need all the time we can get to prepare. I am also starting to get very uncomfortable but trying to enjoy this pregnancy because it could be my last. Of course as we get closer to the due date, my fears of delivery are creeping in! I hope this time around is not only faster but with no complications! Wish me luck! :)
I put together my first montage with One True Media. I think I enjoy using the PhotoShow program with comcast better but I am not sure if I can put photoshows on the blog? This is an ongoing learning experience! Enjoy the show and please excuse my big tummy pics...(yes we are SURE there is only one in there!!!)