Tuesday, April 1, 2008


APRIL FOOLS!!!! ~heehee

I thought it would be funny to add this post because I can't tell you how many times I've been asked if I am having twins?!! No, there is only ONE baby in there! I am nearing the end of this pregnancy with hitting the 3rd trimester milestone!

We are officially 7 months along and now the pressure is on to get everything done. I had my 28 week visit with Dr. Consoli (love her...hope she delivers Kara!) and I found out that I passed my glucose test- no Gestational Diabetes for me! woohoo

My weight is on target...only gained 4 more pounds making it a total of 22 so far. So I guess it's all tummy...hence the "are you sure there aren't two in there?!"

Everything is going so well and I hope it continues through the next 12 weeks. :)


1 comment:

gretchens31giftspage said...

So glad that the glucose was negative! I know how much you were worried about it! It was so nice seeing you on Saturday! How did Ryan's room turn out?

Anyway -- nice blog! I'll keep an eye for more updates :-)