Tuesday, May 1, 2012

he said....she said

He said two...

She said four...

So they agreed on three.

Then one day....

He said, "are you sure?"

She said, "YES!"


Then surprise...

She said, "OH MY GOSH!"...and cried.

He said nothing....and smiled.


Hotel Bell said...


Mrs. Schaeffer said...

I'm so excited that there will be two more beautiful babies for me to LOVE. Congratulations to my sweet, sweet friend! xoxo

christy | brides to booties said...

Wow! OMG! Congratulations Bobbi, Chris, Ryan and Kara!!

Keri and family said...

Congratulations High 6 family!!

Keffie said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm SO happy for all of you! xoxoxo