Today Chris turned 35 years old!
We surprised Chris (aka Daddy) at work with a bouquet of balloons. He really enjoyed taking a break from his hectic day to show off the kiddies! He is one proud papa. :)
Wanna know a secret about the birthday boy?
Chris is a creature of habit....he enjoys homemade waffles for Father's Day and only wants to enjoy a sirloin steak at Outback every year on his birthday. It makes planning his day very easy actually, so I never question his wishes. Chris also loves, LOVES, loves Entenmann's Chocolate Fudge Cake and it has become tradition to get this cake for his birthday each year. (how lucky am I? no baking!) I even surprised him on our wedding day with one because he turned 30 exactly one month later. The pictures of that surprise are priceless...I will post them someday.
This year the kiddies make hand print cards (sorry forgot to take pics of the cards...ooops) and gave Daddy a Penn State plant to put in his office. He will also be visiting Best Buy soon to pick out his birthday gift of either a new Blue-Ray DVD player OR Flat screen Monitor for our desktop computer. Two items he has been itching to get for a while now. What will he choose?
Happy 35th Birthday, Chris!

You are always so creative and thoughtful. bringing him balloons at work - love it! You always inspire me to be a better wife and mother, just wanted to let you know that.
Happy Birthday Chris!
Ahhhh.. How nice. Happy birthday Chris! You are one lucky man to have such a wonderful family, and don't look a day over 30. :)
Awwww, you are such a sweet wife!! I barely mumbled "Oh, by the way, happy can you please leave and go to work?" to my husband on his b-day. But then again, he doesn't bend over backwards for my b-days either so I guess we're even.
So cute that the kids picked out a Sesame Street balloon for him...isn't it funny how kids assume that parents will love the same things they would??
Happy birthday Chris!!!
What a nice surprise to visit Daddy at work! You are so thoughtful and fun!
Happy birthday Ryan! Even though late. :)
Bobbi - you are awesome. :) I'll take a leaf out of your book for Justin's birthday too! :)
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